Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Deep in my heart I had a feeling
A feeling to become Leader
I found out the following way
The path of success is good attitude
Good attitude creates altitude where
Positive thinking becomes the ladder and Knowledge
Becomes the steps in the ladder
I know patience makes a man to learn
To be patient, I need to remember
For every one minute of anger,
I lose 60 seconds of happiness
I remember my father saying you are three
What you think, what others think, what you really are
To reach the lotus, I feel I need to remove the bees
Want, greed, jealousy, ego, pride and negative thinking
Only then spirit of life, way of life and moral life can be experienced
To have the above drink the ocean, climb the mountains and enjoy
The fishes, trees and plants
Finally I felt to become a leader,
I should Start the day with plan, f
ill the day with purpose and
end the day with passion

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